The first picture I put on this page, mmmh... it is not a human. Alien? No, it is my
fish. In fact I have no experience of keeping a pet by my own before. Anyway,
he(Yeah, his name is Jet) is fine so far~
The most interesting thing is that whenever you leave the room, he will
hide under the rock. But when you come back, he will swim to and fro, seems to say hello
to you. Also, when you wave your hand in front of him, he will think that you are going to
feed him and he will look around(stupid?) Sorry Jet, I have cheated you many times. ;-P
Well, this time I post up a photo of a human now--It's me. Of course, time has changed,
now I have grown to be a tall guy. (Sorry I don't have a scanner, so this time I only let
u have a look of my lovely childhood, I may put some recent photos later if it's possible)
Wow, what happens?? This is a photo taken in Hong Kong. People were
rushing to buy some share of a company. Is Hong Kong that small, or people have a lot of
time to waste?..
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